
The Literature in the Classroom portfolio has made a slightly bigger progress. I am now done with the activities and the activity plans for all three types of text. Tomorrow, I’m going to the library to borrow some books on literature so that I can get the justification and commentary done, hopefully by Wednesday or Thursday morning. Can’t wait to hand in the portfolio really, because it means that the holiday has started and I can get things packed properly and then fly home.

Talking about flying home, I have no clue what so ever who’s going to pick me up at the airport. First, I thought it was my sister, Jaja, who’s picking me up. Then I heard that it’s going to be Uncle Tamjis. And then suddenly it’s not confirmed. Since it’s not confirmed Mama jokingly said that it’s going to be a surprise. Uhuhu, I love surprises. Mama told me to wait and see who’s there at the airport on that day. Ha ha ha. The only thing I know for sure is it’s not going to be my boyfriend or fiance or future husband. Because I just don’t have one. 😛

I think I really wouldn’t want to know who will be waiting for me at the arrival hall. Let’s just see what happens when I walk through the arrival gate on Monday. And I’ll tell you who’s there.

It’s Haziq’s 2nd birthday today. Happy Birthday, little pumpkin. Aunty Alin can’t wait to see you in your cute little t-shirt from Disneyland.

If you are wondering, yes, Haziq is Baby Sin-Chan.

Enough rambling, will get more things updated later.



9 days left before i’ll be on my way home for summer..excited ye..nothing to talk abot portfolio made a slight progress.. when i say slight, it means little tiny progress..ciput..skit..bile la nak siap klu mcm tu punyer progress..heh..
mcm mane nak ade progress..hari2 ade activity..bermula dr hr the day after i talked about the amount of work i have..sunday pegi city baju adek ok..and then we went to this moroccon? morrocan? camner eja ntah..makan..ohh so sedap and so kenyang..not only they sell baju and lampu2 ala-ala morocco jugak yer..lawaaa…
monday pulak katy took us to st luke’s campus in exeter to look for more books for the dissey..too many books to look at with so little time given..tak sempat ok..we made plans to go back to the library later..when i come back after the holiday..

amik buku banyak2 pastu amik gmbar..mane nak sempat tgk sume buku..
yg bestnye..katy tu sungguh2 nak amik gambar depan sign university of exeter..we went to the main campus dulu..cari sign tak jumpe2..and then bile kluar dr junction, i saw i told her..she was like ‘there’s a sign!! there’s sign!!’ excited gile..driver pon brentikanlah kitorang..amik gambar dulu and then naik balik bas pegi st luke’s campus plak..
yer..omputih itu adalah katy~~

and then the next day, tuesday ye kawan2..we had a bbq pulak..cheh..ronggeng cam takde esaimen la kaan..hahahaha..i had to marinate the chicken..7 ekor utk 12 org makan..melantak abes-abesan yer..thank god weather was takder lah membakar ayam dalam umah or pakai payung macam kat umah asmah hr tu yer..kuikuikui..
asmah..kitorang x yah pakai payung nak bakar ayam~~

bbq kat umah asmah yg kene pakai payung utk protect ayam..

and yesterday pulak..tengok kalis cinta during dinner..sambil makan charcoal grill..hahhaha..chumel ok citer tuh..ade ke laki jerit2 cam tuh.. =D

huhuhu..dah laa..tatau nak hapdet ape lagi dah..ayat pon dah tonggang tebalik..mule2 ckp omputih and then tulis dlm bm plak..xpe abaikan..nnt2 klu rajin i update properly okeh!! OKEH!!

p/s: lalat-lalat sekalian, can u pls get out of my room..if possible, my house as well?

soaring high..

okeh..malas giler nak update~

yes, malas and been busy..just last tuesday i have sat for my one and only exam for this term..tiap2 term pon ade satu exam jer..itu pon the questions were told about three weeks before the exam..the so that we are much more prepared,have a wide range of reading, provide quotations in the answer and sometimes a list of bibliography..dasyat arr exam best..

and then my dissertation tutorials have just started with tracy gilpin.. on friday i have promised her that on tuesday i’m gonna show her my interview questions for the research..also, i have promised her that before i construct the interview questions, i’m gonna do some reading so that i can ask questions that will provide the information that i want..(banyak giler that in one sentence..hahahahha~) it’s already saturday evening and tomorrow is sunday and we’ll be going to exeter on monday and then it’s tuesday..mcm mane niiiii?? sempat ker?? even if i told her that i dont think i will be able to get it done by tuesday, mcm la i can do anything since she already put the tutorial sign up list on the board kan..everyone pon hr mcm la buleh mintak tukar..

then, i have my literature portfolio which will be handed in in two weeks time..and i have started NOTHING..nada..tarak apa-apa..i’m gonna need to produce activity plans for three type of text/literature which which will last between an hour and a half to two hours..and then there’s justification and commentary..and reflection..aiyooo..ehh..maybe i need to stop whining and complaining and then start choosing the three texts..kan kan kan??

just now, ina, tqa, wan and i took some pictures dekat padang marjon..ade la gambar lompat2..excited sgt lompat smpi x perasan yg there’s actually people in the dining hall..nasib la kan..bukan selalu kantoi cam tuh..ahaks..

ohh two weeks time i’m going home..yeah yeah..for my summer holiday which will last for about two months..can’t wait really, started packing yesterday but will probably repack everything again later..hahaha..beg tu cam berat tp bile timbang br 1kg jer..tipu ok..x percaye..hahaha..ok lah..enough rambling for today..i’ll get things updated lagi later ok? ok~


she has just made my day..

the cleaner has just made my day..
she has just told me how pretty my headscarf is as i was wearing one..
and how beautiful the ladies look when they have the headcovers on..
hee hee..
Islam is beautiful..
the Muslims pn jd beatiful klu ikut btol2..

sape setuju?
sile angkat tangan ye..

i have more snowglobes than ina does..

cik ina of gerik has been kind enough to put an entry about me in her fotopages..
wasn’t really about me..
more on my collection of snowglobes and my room..

click here to check it out..

to cik ina of gerik,
terima kasih di atas kesungguhan anda utk mengambil gambar snowglobes dan juga bilik sye.. kesungguhan anda itu telah memaksa sye utk mengemas katil..