I have so many thing to write about, but I had no internet connection in Muar or KL. So, here goes.
Raya was fun. As always. Mama purposely came to KL to pick me up so that she has someone to bake all the cookies and cake. I managed to bake three types of cookies, two butter cakes and mini cupcakes in the three days I had before raya. Mama and I also managed to make some ketupat palas and she was rather amused that I could ONLY wrap the small ones using smaller leaves while she can only wrap the big ones.
First raya was first spent visiting Ayah’s pusara with my other siblings. We then had a small gathering with Uncle’s family before we went to Uncle Tamjis’s house right in front and Achik Norly’s house in Ipoh.

Second raya was spent lazying around. Heh heh.
We started our journey to Muar on the third raya. On the way, we stopped at Pusat Komuniti Bukit Damansara to attend an aunt’s wedding. We reached Muar at around 7pm and just managed to meet the relatives that I looked forward to meet each raya.
We headed down to Yong Peng the day after and visited my grandfather on my late Ayah’s side. He was healthy, only that he could not remember most of us now. In our case, Ayah’s name need to be mentioned before he could remember all of us.

We headed back to KL the next day and went straight to The Gardens due to my sister’s craving for shopping complex. Well, well, who’s living in Sabah now hah? I bought Starbucks’s Mooncake set which I have been wanting since I saw it in KK. They were not bad, but I guess there are other mooncakes tastier than Starbucks’s.
On the sixth raya, we visited Ayah’s second brother in Kelana Jaya. It was overwhelming to hear the funny jokes that they constantly make. They are after all a one happy funny family even though both my aunt and uncles are police officers. Chief police officers to be exact.
My mom’s brother than held a barbecue session the night after hearing endless requests for kambing bakar. We had chicken and meat too, laksa , chicken and beef sate, chicken soto, fruit salad and desserts. Yammeh. Totally yummy.
For each day where large amount of food is consumed, I made myself drink Kinohimitsu peppermint detox tea to make sure that I do not gain the weight that I lost during Ramadhan. Even that, I gained two kg from the five that I lost. Huhu.

Azwan and I got ourselves an iPhone 3Gs each. Hiks. I was amazed with what I can do with it until I discover that it is less effective in detecting coverage. It could not capture any Maxis coverage even though I have put it at the window frame where I normally put my previous phones, and previous phones worked just fine.
Thus, when, I’m in Bukit Besi, Beluran, I use my 3-year old SE.
Oh, I’m thinking of buying a RM100++ basic Nokia phone to be used there since the battery does not function properly now.
Sigh. After investing so much and so much for wanting to have the latest gadget, I still have to use a basic phone.
I went for my SPP interview yesterday and I am so glad that it went very well. I was asked about PIPP, current issues and teaching experience.
I was not nervous, not until my turn was next. I was more nervous for the fact that I’ll be riding a scooter on my own to get to the venue of the interview. Mind you, it was my first bike ride on my own after more than six years of having a licence.
And, yes. I arrived home safe and sound.
That is all for now. Bai. Daa.