Hype! Sorry for the long hiatus. Been busy and just have no idea what to write about. Hehe.
I’ve been in school for three weeks now and so far, I have enjoyed myself. Well, there’s always Monday blues but not to the extent of dragging myself to school. I love my Year 4 students. They are cool and smart but naughty at times, well, which kid doesn’t la kan? I have this one girl who really knows her stuff, which sometimes I don’t know myself. I have this one boy who has ‘puss in boots’ kind of eyes, especially when he’s requesting for something. Then, another boy whose wishes caught my attention. When everyone else wish to have something (usually a material), he wishes for the ozone layers to be thicker. Alah lah. And then this one boy, who sometimes bashed me in front of the classroom, like what he did during this one literature session.
Me: Do you know what I wish to have?
Boy: A husband.
Me: ……
Okay, that is true. But you can’t show your excitement in front of ten-year olds kan. Gedik pulak ticer ni karang. Haha.
There was one day which the four of us had to attend to all students while the teachers were having their photograph taken. I was standing by the side when this one boy came to me and said,
‘Cikgu… dia geletek saya…’
I didn’t know what to respond. I simply said ok and asked him to sit down. I turned my head to the back to smile, told Wani about it and laughed hard. Hahahaha.
On the same day, I realised that Tan Hong Ming is a student in the very same school. Yes, the famous boy in the Petronas advertisement. Can’t remember which one?
Then, there’s another Petronas advertisement which also featured classmates of Tan Hong Ming.
Cool, eh, when you have famous kids running around in your school. Not to forget, daughters and sons of some famous people which I shall not mention who for the sake of their safety.
Just yesterday and the day before (Friday and Saturday) held perkemahan asas for uniform bodies. I was sitting in front of all the students who participated when I noticed something right in front of my eyes. Immediately, I asked the few boys in front of me.
‘Sapa punya ni? Baik ngaku cepat!’
Obviously, no one will admit. Mind you, it was Mark and Spencer. They already wear Mark and Spencer at the age of 10 and 11. I have to wait for 22 years before I can afford Mark and Spencer, and that’s because they are cheap in UK. Huks. Oh, ya, that was a boy’s brief I found on the floor. Mark and Spencer. Huks.
I woke up in a panic at 5 am this morning. Damn, I have not done my weekly reflection let alone any lesson plans for the whole week or at least Monday. Then only I realised it’s not Monday yet. It’s only Sunday. Phew. Look at what teaching has done to me. Tsk tsk tsk.
Ok enough of school. Now back to my life.
I had a food galore last weekend. A good feast to pay back those I-had-no-appetite-to-eat or I-was-too- tired-to-eat or i’m-just-eating-so-that-I-won’t-feel-hungry days.

The first five pictures are Island Breeze, complementary bread, stuffed mushrooms, salmon fettuccine and roasted chicken from Italiannies. Then, it’s Chocolate Indulgence from Secret Recipe and finally, waffle with Mint Chocolate Chip and World of Chocolate ice cream from Baskin Robbins. And there’s Nasi Kerabu from Laksa Shack which I didn’t took any picture. Heaven, kan.

I have just managed to watch Sepi last Sunday. Not bad, but not too good either. I prefer Cinta to Sepi. Cinematography is definitely beautiful, no doubt. But, there’s something lacking. Not enough kick or umphh, shall I say. There were not many beautiful words like what you had in Cinta. I don’t know. Maybe I expected too much. Anyhow, I love, love Vee’s pink and yellow kebaya. Chantek amat. Azwan said it’s purple and not pink. It’s pink lah, not purple.
So, that’s me and my life in the past two weeks. Now, let’s get back to reflections and lesson plannings. Huks. Or maybe a shower first. Lalala. Zas.