Diari Ramadhan.

As for today, we have gone through one third of Ramadhan. Two third to go.

I had sahur and iftar with Along and Azwan for the first eight days and on the ninth day, I had sahur and iftar with Kak Emy.

For iftar yesterday, I had sambal paru, fried chicken and salted egg.

Today is the first day that I eat sahur, fasting as well as iftar, alone. As for sahur, I had an apple and some water ready on the table because I know that the lights will go off by midnight. And knowing me, I wouldn’t want to be sitting at the table in the living room alone, especially in the dark.

And for iftar today, I had yesterday’s salted egg and fried chicken with altered sambal paru.


Today also marks the first day after an eleven-days break from normal schooling hours and workload. I had no lesson after 9.30 am and waiting for the bell to ring at 12.50 pm seems longer than usual. So, I spent the time registering some library books into the Buku Perolehan as well as editing the first seven pages of Mak Faizah’s paperwork.

That is today.

I think this is the most active Ramadhan of my life.

The first day of Ramadhan itself was spent in Pasar Kraftangan and Heritage Village in Kota Kinabalu (as seen in previous entry). Seventh day of Ramadhan was spent walking around the forest of Sepilok. We even got lost in RDC itself. It was too tiring that by the time the orang utan came out to be fed, I couldn’t be bothered to watch them anymore.


I just had eleven days off, another three working days to go, then next week where UPSR is concerned, which I’m sure there’ll be a few days off, then another two working days in the week after before I’m off for my almost-two-weeks Raya break.

Can’t wait.

:| continues…

I am still in the same condition as I was yesterday, minus the sore throat and the tummy cramp.

I went to the hospital this morning. Reached there exactly at 8 am and the waiting area was already full of people. There was no seat left. I managed to get a number, number 71. and they have just been calling number 17. That was just to register. After a while, I felt sicker waiting that I put my number back As I was putting my number on the counter, I noticed that there was no more number left for people to see the doctors. Maybe there was too many sick people around. So, I headed to the one and only clinic in Beluran.

Guess what?

The clinic was still closed. I waited for almost an hour hoping that it would open. Too bad, it did not.

I bought myself some Actifast and headed back home.

Currently, I’m surviving onΒ  the medications that I have in my keepings.

A tablespoon of Breacol. Two Actifast tablets. One Clarinese tablet. One Ventolin tablet. One Asmafen tablet.


I’ll be heading to Hospital Sandakan tomorrow morning if my condition doesn’t get better by tonight.



I am currently down with fever, cough, sore throat, running nose, headache, body ache, tight chest and a slight cramp in the tummy.

And I’m pretty worry and scared because these are all the symptoms of H1N1.

I have just returned from a short trip home where my days were full with activities in public places.

To add to that, I’m asthmatic too.


Nauzubillah. Mintak dijauhkan.

I’m off to the hospital tomorrow morning.


P/S: And I’m just wondering, what if, what if today is my last day.

ETEMS? Maybe later.

I really wanted to share my thoughts and opinion on the latest issue in education, ETEMS.

But, due to some workload and tiredness, I just could not nicely scribble my arguments on this issue.

Yes, I am one of those who are disappointed that the cabinets have decided to put the implementation of ETEMS to a full stop.

Plus, I have something else to look forward to this coming weekend that ETEMS can wait.

I’m excited.

Hik hik.


Kenapa jibbits saya selalu hilang?

Minggu lepas, jibbit butterfly. Yang hanya ada satu dekat Subang Parade dan tak ada dekat One Utama.

Minggu ini pula, jibbit lembu. Yang hanya ada satu di One Utama dan tak ada di Subang Parade.

Apakah nasib saya dan jibbits? Asyik hilang je. Jalan kaki biasa pon hilang, naik bot pon hilang. Huks.

Jibbits tu harganya RM8.90 satu okek. Sama dengan harga sekati udang galah cepit biru gred A dekat Beluran ni. Huks.

Lepas tu lagi yang hilang jibbit yang chomel antara lain pulak tu. Kenapa bukan yang sotong. Bukanlah nak cakap sotong tak chomel, tapi sotong tu dapat free okek. Huks.


Huks lagi.