Kembalinya Ramadhan.

Ubadah Bin Somit ra. meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda pada suatu hari ketika Ramadhan hampir menjelang:

Telah datang kepadamu bulan Ramadhan, di mana Allah melimpah ruahkan di dalamnya dengan keberkatan, menurunkan rahmat, mengampuni dosa-dosa kamu, memakbulkan doa-doa kamu, melihat di atas perlumbaan kamu untuk memperolehi kebaikan yang besar dan berbangga mengenaimu di hadapan malaikat-malaikat. Maka tunjukkanlah kepada Allah Taala kebaikan dari kamu. Sesungguhnya orang yang bernasib malang ialah dia yang dinafikan daripada rahmat Allah pada bulan ini.

Bulan Ramadhan kembali lagi. Dengan ini, ingin saya mengucapkan Selamat Berpuasa kepada semua muslimin dan muslimah. Saya doakan agar Ramadhan kali ini lebih baik daripada Ramadhan yang lepas.dan moga-moga segala amalan yang dilakukan diterima Allah. Di kesempatan ini juga, ingin saya memohon ampun dan maaf atas kesilapan yang sengaja atau tidak sengaja, yang termakan, terminum, terpakai, ter-emo dan apa sahajalah yang ada ter- di depannya.

Selamat menyambut Ramadhan al-Mubarak.

Assalamualaikum. Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal.

Bai. Daa.

23 / 22.08.08


Seri Aslan celebrates her 23rd birthday today.

Thank you everyone for all the wishes, thoughts and prayers, delivered through SMS, Yahoo Messenger, Friendster and Facebook. Thank you to my dearest family for the Classic Cheese cake from Secret Recipe. Thank you Uncle Tamjis and family for the birthday card and some pocket money. Thank you Ainee and Nisahk for the birthday treat in Lumut.

Thank you very much. I wish you all the love in the world.


EPL is back.

The first game of English Premiere League will start next week, on the 16th of August. Thus, starting from next week onwards, many ladies out there will be left alone when boyfriends / significant others / fiances / husbands / the other Hepipipel will be out at a Mapley somewhere to watch their favourite men go against eleven other men, chasing one ball and making sure that the ball hit the net in order to get three points ahead of the other teams. This ordeal does not end in one or two months, ladies. Your boyfriends / significant others / fiance / husbands / the other Hepipipel will be out at Mapleys every week until the month of May next year. Matches start as early as 8 pm, hence be mentally and physically prepared to be alone just after maghrib. So to fill up the two hours (or more if your boyfriends / significant others / fiance / husbands / the other Hepipipel decided to watch other matches too), I have a few things that we, ladies, can do. Let’s see.

Have goldfish as your pet. As soon as your boyfriends / significant others / fiance / husbands / the other Hepipipel are off to Mapleys, stand by the aquarium. Look at the goldfish swimming around gedikly trying to get your attention so that you feed them food. Before you feed them anything, imitate the way their mouth moves until your mouth gets tired. By that time, you may still have another one hour and 45 minutes before your boyfriends / significant others / fiance / husbands / the other Hepipipel come back from Mapleys. So, throw in the food one by one. Look to see who catches the food first. Do that till boyfriends / significant others / fiance / husbands / the other Hepipipel reach home safe and sound.

Count the money in your piggy bank. Take out all the money in your piggy bank. Count every single coins or notes that you have. First, separate each coins. Stack them according to their value e.g. 5 cents, 10 cents, 20 cents and 50 cents. Count the amount of money that you have. Then, put them back in the piggy bank again. Make sure that you put in some money before the weekend to ensure that you have a different amount of money to count every time. Who knows, if you constantly feed your piggy bank with money, you may end up with enough money to get yourself a Coach pouch / handbags just before the EPL season is over.

Watch cerekarama on TV3 or any movie on Astro (which ever that your mum did not mention, ‘Eh, cerita ni dah tengok lah.’). Watch, comment and make reviews. Reflect on the plot, characters and moral values. On the day after or Monday, discuss them with your neighbours / colleagues / friends / tea lady / mak cik kantin / pak guard sekolah.

Have your own facial treatment. If you are into this kind of things, this is probably the best thing you could do. First, wash your face using your facial cleanser. Then, slap some facial mask on to your face. Wait for 15 minutes or until the mask dry. Then, scrub it off using warm water, to open up pores. Stand in front of the mirror. Use tissues and tweezer to get the stubborn white / blackheads off your face. Dab some toner on your face followed by moisturizers. Then, put on some eye cream (to eliminate puffy eyes and eyebags), pimple cream (to , err, prevent pimples) and bio-essence oil (to eliminate scars). Not to forget, use some lip balm to prevent dry lips.

Rearrange your clothes in your wardrobe. You can do this in a few ways. Separate the ones that should be hanged from the ones that should be folded. For the ones to be hanged, first, arrange them according to the type, e.g baju kurung, baju kebaya. Then, arrange them according to the colour. It would be nice if your could follow the colours of a rainbow. Then, in its group of the same colour, you can either choose to arrange them according to the length of the clothes or to the tone of the colour. Meanwhile, for the clothes to be folded, separate pants, t-shirts, pajamas, head scarves and what not. Fold them nicely and arrange them according to the colour. Have separate sections for each type.

And if you are a teacher-to-be, this is what you can do while your boyfriends / significant others / fiances / husbands / the other Hepipipel are out at the Mapleys.

  • Iron clothes for school on Monday. Better still for the whole week.
  • Get your weekly reflection done.
  • Get your reflective task done.
  • Plan your lesson for the coming week.
  • Type out all your lesson plans, task sheets and appendices.
  • Get your teaching aids ready.
  • Find some other teachers-to-be out there. Then, talk about your school, the teachers and pupils in your school with them. Exchange ideas.

So, there goes. If you have done everything by end of September and still have no idea how to fill up the two hours, what the hell, just join your boyfriends / significant others / fiance / husbands / the other Hepipipel at the Mapleys. You can support the same team. You can also NOT support the same team and go for another team. It will definitely be a good session at the Mapley when the two teams collide. Full of maki hamun and sumpah seranah towards each other. Haha.

Malaysian Taxi Drivers

(Open door) Jalan Pantai Baru? Dekat UM, Stadium Hoki.

(Shake head) Tak pegilah.

And after almost 10 taxi drivers that were asked the same question and gave us the same reply, we got fed up. Seriously, we were doing our best to keep cool. Then, when this particular taxi had finally agreed to send us back to IPBA (then to KL Sentral), he scolded us for not lining up at the queue. We explained that we did queued but it seemed that no taxi would take us to where we want to go, that we ended up somewhere near Dome after asking one taxi after another. We were at the South Court of Mid Valley, by the way. And so he told us why.

“MId Valley and Jalan Pantai Baru sangat dekat, tak berbaloi nak amik penumpang. Saya sendiri pon kadang-kadang tak ambik sebab saya tunggu untuk passengers lama, kalau yang nak pegi dekat-dekat ni rugi saja.”

Errrrrrr, and you call yourself a taxi driver? I told him that ‘dekat pon duit juga’. Why on earth you have to be so particular about the distance? That is how you gain money for living. Just take us where we want to go. As simple as that. It does not mean that if we live nearby we are not going to pay you. Yes, it is considered less money as compared to other people who needs to go somewhere further. But we need a ride in the taxi too.

Currently, taxi is my everyday ride. I took a taxi through and fro school. Each morning, I stood at the taxi stand, sticked my hand out at the risk of being hit by other vehicle, opened the door only to know that they won’t take any passengers to Taman Tun. Like, what? You can simply get RM10 from us for each ride, but you choose not to.

As far as I’m concerned, as told by one particular taxi driver, taxi drivers are supposed to take you anywhere, yes, ANYwhere you want to go. They not supposed to reject you or that kind of things. Once you opened the door, that’s it. If it is Jalan Pantai Baru, Jalan Pantai Baru is where you are going. If it is Taman Tun, then Taman Tun is where you are heading. No giving excuses that it is too near or the traffic is congested. Hey, we are going to pay you after all.

Their attitude really, really turned me off. But, current situation disallowed me from not using their service. Seems that this is the only thing I could do. Brag and brag about it.

And to some taxi drivers, ‘You Sucks!’


And to add to the suckiness of yesterday’s taxi drivers, as usual I took a taxi back home from school. Normally, we would either take the PJ-Federal Highway/UM route or the Bangsar-Jalan Bukit Pantai route. This normal route has cost us RM6.80 (the least) and RM10.00 (the most, usually when traffic is congested). However, this particular taxi driver thought that we are stupid enough and used the Damansara-KL Sentral-Jalan Bangsar route instead. We paid RM12.00 for today’s ride back to IPBA. Almost twice the cheapest price we have ever paid. Eh hello, you think this is our first trip from Taman Tun to IPBA eh? Simply using the long route instead of the normal route. You suck la Uncle. I don’t mean to be rude, but yeah, you suck.

Puhlease lah.

There were more stories about the suckiness of taxi drivers, one who used his own way of charging us instead of the meter and another one who said he doesn’t know the route to Taman Tun and simply charged us RM20.00 (again without meter) because of the traffic jam. But hey, don’t let me start on that one. Enough swearing for today.

Some people are just mean.

Read more about the suckiness of Malaysian public transport here.

Tetel lah.

Bukan totis lah. Itu tetel. Nak ulang lagi? Itu tetel. Bukan totis.

Lagi sekali. What is this? This is penyu. Tetel lah. What is this? This is…totis. NOOOOOO! What is this? This is tetel. Very good!