I have never eaten oats before. Takut. Takut dgn rasenye yang mungkin tawar itu. Lagi pon healthy food ni kan jarang ade yg sedap kan. But then, hati tergerak nk makan oats for sahur setelah nampak bende ni kat ASDA hari tuh.
Mungkin it was not the oats that attracted me most, but maybe it was the price of that thing. 99p sahaja per box of 5 sachets. 3 boxes for only GBP2. Ade la perasaan gatal nk beli 3 kotak terus kan since there are three flavours available pon, Chocolate, Raspberry n Apple and Original Taste. Tp pikir jugak dulu yg I should give this thing a try first. Klu sedap baru beli lg.
So, this is how the Oatibix Porridge looks like after being cooked. Nak masak senang jer. Reneh 160 ml of milk till almost boil and then put in one sachet of Oatibix Porridge. Then, tunggu until the mixture is thick enough and Voila! Siap dah. Buleh makan.
Yang polka dot merah tu raspberry ye adek-adek. Rase Oatibix Porridge ni buleh laa. Sedap la jugak tp nasib baik tak beli sampai 3 kotak hr tuh. If you know what I mean. 😛
Currently, struggling my way out to finish this one. Should have cooked half a sachet je.
i never love oats! i loathe them! haha.. jahat gile bunyi nye kan..
i never love oats! i loathe them! haha.. jahat gile bunyi nye kan..
tu laaaa…
skrg i tgh pikir bile i akan mkn another 4 sachets tu..
tu laaaa…
skrg i tgh pikir bile i akan mkn another 4 sachets tu..