
I smiled. I made jokes. I giggled. I laughed as I often did. I’m all positive with the posting news.

Not until someone said during breakfast, ‘She’s smiling and laughing, but we’ll never know how she feels inside.’

What she said is true. I’m putting a smile just to hide what I feel inside.

I lashed it out at the cat, screamt at it just because it came near me.

I slept all day just because I don’t feel like talking to the others.

Truthfully, I’m on an emotional roller coaster ride.

And my head is throbbing. It hurts.

12 Thoughts.

  1. Hey, at least u know where u’ll be posted. unlike me, who’s fate is like drifting around in a vast sea. I dunno where i’ll be posted and my ic number is not there…. feel like i’m not wanted… be strong k?

    Nass last blog post..Nas’s Engagement

  2. Hey, at least u know where u’ll be posted. unlike me, who’s fate is like drifting around in a vast sea. I dunno where i’ll be posted and my ic number is not there…. feel like i’m not wanted… be strong k?

    Nass last blog post..Nas’s Engagement

  3. We are all going to be in new places.
    How will we know that it is bad for us even before we have tried living there?
    Be strong! Be positive!
    It helps you live longer…

    Anyway, if it makes you feel any better…
    I might get some place WORSE!

  4. We are all going to be in new places.
    How will we know that it is bad for us even before we have tried living there?
    Be strong! Be positive!
    It helps you live longer…

    Anyway, if it makes you feel any better…
    I might get some place WORSE!

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