okeh..malas giler nak update~
yes, malas and been busy..just last tuesday i have sat for my one and only exam for this term..tiap2 term pon ade satu exam jer..itu pon the questions were told about three weeks before the exam..the reason..is so that we are much more prepared,have a wide range of reading, provide quotations in the answer and sometimes a list of bibliography..dasyat arr exam sini..tp best..
and then my dissertation tutorials have just started with tracy gilpin.. on friday i have promised her that on tuesday i’m gonna show her my interview questions for the research..also, i have promised her that before i construct the interview questions, i’m gonna do some reading so that i can ask questions that will provide the information that i want..(banyak giler that in one sentence..hahahahha~)..now it’s already saturday evening and tomorrow is sunday and we’ll be going to exeter on monday and then it’s tuesday..mcm mane niiiii?? sempat ker?? even if i told her that i dont think i will be able to get it done by tuesday, mcm la i can do anything since she already put the tutorial sign up list on the board kan..everyone pon hr selasa..so mcm la buleh mintak tukar..
then, i have my literature portfolio which will be handed in in two weeks time..and i have started NOTHING..nada..tarak apa-apa..i’m gonna need to produce activity plans for three type of text/literature which which will last between an hour and a half to two hours..and then there’s justification and commentary..and reflection..aiyooo..ehh..maybe i need to stop whining and complaining and then start choosing the three texts..kan kan kan??
just now, ina, tqa, wan and i took some pictures dekat padang marjon..ade la gambar lompat2..excited sgt lompat smpi x perasan yg there’s actually people in the dining hall..nasib la kan..bukan selalu kantoi cam tuh..ahaks..

ohh yer..in two weeks time i’m going home..yeah yeah..for my summer holiday which will last for about two months..can’t wait really, started packing yesterday but will probably repack everything again later..hahaha..beg tu cam berat tp bile timbang br 1kg jer..tipu ok..x percaye..hahaha..ok lah..enough rambling for today..i’ll get things updated lagi later ok? ok~