as we all know, i’m one of nisa’s tag victim..and so i did the ciri-ciri lelaki idaman..which has actually made me feel that i wanna get married rite away to my lelaki idaman..but.. what happened last nite was that i dreamt of some ular..people say that if u dream of kena patuk ular, then ader orang nak masuk meminang..but all the ular in my dream did not patuk me or whatsoever..they stayed in a plastic bag which i then cover the plastic bag with a tudung periuk..
so the question is, apekah ader orang nak masuk meminang? (because i dreamt of ular)..ataupun it was just a normal dream? (since the ular did not patuk me at all)..
tp, cam klaka jugak klu ader orang nk masuk minang..hahahahaha..
*rolling on the floor laughing*
kah kah kah kah kah kah~~~~~~
betulla..i pun pernah mimpi ular..macam2 versi ada yg cam ada sambungan utk mimpi i last2 ular tu sebenarnye ade lg..ttgki dari ade “mimpi 2”..toolonggla kann..i berdebar tau..hukhuk
betol betol~~
ceyyyy sape nk pinang!!
erm tapi kalo hari2 mimpi ular susah juge..kalo dh keje bagi mkn ular kat zoo mungkin juge akan mimpi hari2..terbawak2 kan~
alin i tak mimpi ular pon.haish lambat lagi la gamaknye