After a week and a half of waiting, I have finally gotten my allergy test result from the respective Pathlab. I don’t know whether to laugh or to cry upon hearing the result. Well, it’s more than just chicken. I am also allergic to soybean, milk, egg, shrimp, crab, clam, tuna, beef, citrus mix (a mix of citrus fruits), wheat and peanut. Not only that, I am also allergic to cats, dogs, cockroach mix, mite, housedust, latex, a few types of fungi and grass.
(I wanted to upload the test result but it seems that the image is too big, so I’ve scrapped the idea of putting it here off)
For someone who enjoys food very much, I found this hard especially in having to refrain myself from eating what I like to eat. Becoming a vegetarian is probably the best option. But I am not tempted at all with the vegetable meals here in IPBA. I would rather eat chicken or shrimp and then take my medication.
Not good. Relying on medication is not good, especially when you already know your allergens. Plus, the doctor already mentioned that one of those he prescribed contained steroid. The best thing to do is to avoid the allergens. But……. Ok. Ok. No but here. I’m just in denial and not ready to become a vegetarian. Huks.
Guess I will definitely not win in the reality show Fear Factor if they ask me to eat cockroaches. Well, asking me to pat a cat or put on the yellow rubber gloves will also result in the same thing. Haha.
p/s: Thank you for allowing me to use your laptop while you reformat mine.
looks like you’ll be going vege during our BBQ!
ah^kam_koko’s last blog post..The Grades for My Degree
looks like you’ll be going vege during our BBQ!
ah^kam_koko’s last blog post..The Grades for My Degree
Well, I’ll have my meds with me all the time then. Chickeeennnn, bwak bwak bwak. Here I come. Bahaha.
Well, I’ll have my meds with me all the time then. Chickeeennnn, bwak bwak bwak. Here I come. Bahaha.
k.alin, cmne u tau u alergi sume2 tu? i mean any symptoms happen ke after u eat those food? i pon ade eczema jgak.wuu T_T
k.alin, cmne u tau u alergi sume2 tu? i mean any symptoms happen ke after u eat those food? i pon ade eczema jgak.wuu T_T
Well, mula-mula tu after eating lah. And then it seems that allergy reaction to jadik gak even when i dont eat. So pegi pathlab, buat blood test and then dia bagi la result, a list of your allergens and the degree of your allergy. Kena bayar sikit lah.
Well, mula-mula tu after eating lah. And then it seems that allergy reaction to jadik gak even when i dont eat. So pegi pathlab, buat blood test and then dia bagi la result, a list of your allergens and the degree of your allergy. Kena bayar sikit lah.
wahh..em, ape cth2 alergy reaction tuh? kut2 la i x pasan kan..sdeynya kne gve up ayam k.alin.. ;(
wahh..em, ape cth2 alergy reaction tuh? kut2 la i x pasan kan..sdeynya kne gve up ayam k.alin.. ;(
Hurm, sesak nafas, gatal-gatal, red rash (which looks like gegata and can be very very itchy). Itu je la in my case. Sometimes immediate time makan or after eating, sometimes the day after. Tgk lah sukati dia bila dia nak react.
Hurm, sesak nafas, gatal-gatal, red rash (which looks like gegata and can be very very itchy). Itu je la in my case. Sometimes immediate time makan or after eating, sometimes the day after. Tgk lah sukati dia bila dia nak react.
ic… bek so far alhmdulillah i dun hve any allergy yet =) k.alin tke cre ye..byk jgak makanan vege yg best sperti mushrrom soup n vgetarian pizza!
ic… bek so far alhmdulillah i dun hve any allergy yet =) k.alin tke cre ye..byk jgak makanan vege yg best sperti mushrrom soup n vgetarian pizza!
jom alin g makan lipas goreng. rangup! eh jap.. takbleh sbb lipas kan ade dlm list.. =P br ingat nk blanja tadi. wakakakak selamat berpantang!
noblemiens last blog post..douchebag! im not….
jom alin g makan lipas goreng. rangup! eh jap.. takbleh sbb lipas kan ade dlm list.. =P br ingat nk blanja tadi. wakakakak selamat berpantang!
noblemiens last blog post..douchebag! im not….
wohoo!!banyaknyeee u allergic!!!my hsemate ade gak yang allergic to seafood..belacan pon die x boleh..tapi sebab die kadang2 xleh nak refrain herself from makan seafood kan so die mmg ade antihistamine dalam beg every time ade seafood die akan makan antihistamine after die makan meals tu..hehehe…sanggup tu…minah tu siap penah sampai xleh bernafas siap..ehhe
witty angels last blog post..2008
wohoo!!banyaknyeee u allergic!!!my hsemate ade gak yang allergic to seafood..belacan pon die x boleh..tapi sebab die kadang2 xleh nak refrain herself from makan seafood kan so die mmg ade antihistamine dalam beg every time ade seafood die akan makan antihistamine after die makan meals tu..hehehe…sanggup tu…minah tu siap penah sampai xleh bernafas siap..ehhe
witty angels last blog post..2008
Haha. Samelah. sometimes,bila dah naik merah2 tu i will only amik antihistamine tu bila dah start sesak nafas n dah menggaru2. selagi tak garu2 tak sesak nafas, i refrain myself from taking them. takut too rely on antihistamine tu. plus, too much allergic sampai i malas nak berpantang. haha.
Haha. Samelah. sometimes,bila dah naik merah2 tu i will only amik antihistamine tu bila dah start sesak nafas n dah menggaru2. selagi tak garu2 tak sesak nafas, i refrain myself from taking them. takut too rely on antihistamine tu. plus, too much allergic sampai i malas nak berpantang. haha.