Cuti Tekanan Jiwa

I took Cuti Tekanan Jiwa on Thursday and Friday. And I went back to Semenanjung.

I saw faces of my loved ones. Mama, Jaja, Sarep, Pak Cu and his whole troop, and of course, Azwan. Along did not manage to came down to KL for she has tuition classes to teach. Gossiping, a lot of talking and advice giving sessions were done. I’m glad that I have them to talk about my tekanan jiwa at work.

I saw new faces too, which I really hope to see again. Azwan’s whole family, except his father who was working on that day. It was an unexpected meeting. It was my first meeting his mama too. Hiks. It turned out that Mama’s chilhood friend cum neighbour cum classmate is staying right in front of his house. So when we visited her, we visited his family as well.

And I saw an old face whom I have not seen in years. We were in the same class from Year 1 till Form 5. He was my closest friend back in school. Jaffrey. I was in Mid Valley with Azwan when I bumped into him. He sure does look thin. Thinner than the last time I saw him, in 2005, if I remember correctly. It’s been a long time that I could not even remember the last time I saw him. Ha ha ha. Well, glad to see you, dude.

Now, I’m back in school. Facing the reality. Back to all the work load I left. Back to my kids that needed my guidance.

Hoping and praying that I could stay positive. At least for two weeks.

And why two weeks?

Because I will get to see my loved ones again in two weeks time.


20 Thoughts.

  1. Jaffrey:
    Kannnnnnn. Gila lama tak jumpa.

    Ah Kam:
    Yes there is. Haha. Kan i just amik.

    Haa boleh eh. La kalau I tau baik I amik MC je. Takde la rugi amik cuti 7 hari tu.

  2. Jaffrey:
    Kannnnnnn. Gila lama tak jumpa.

    Ah Kam:
    Yes there is. Haha. Kan i just amik.

    Haa boleh eh. La kalau I tau baik I amik MC je. Takde la rugi amik cuti 7 hari tu.

  3. hehehe…my CRK ada 5hari lagi, xtau nak guna bila…balik konvo 5days + interview 3days dikira cuti tanpa rekod…nak mntk raya lama2 segan la plak, hahaha.. nak guna cuti pun segan..aihhhh.. neway, slmt mengajar dengan tenang.. 2minggu je lagi 🙂

  4. hehehe…my CRK ada 5hari lagi, xtau nak guna bila…balik konvo 5days + interview 3days dikira cuti tanpa rekod…nak mntk raya lama2 segan la plak, hahaha.. nak guna cuti pun segan..aihhhh.. neway, slmt mengajar dengan tenang.. 2minggu je lagi 🙂

  5. Wani:
    Ambik je cuti samapi habis tujuh hari tu. Kite belum sah, nnt cuti tu burn gitu je. Sy pon tinggal 5 hari lg. minggu depan amik lg satu hari, raya maybe amik 3 hari.

    Tu la kan. Thank God tomorrow is Wednesday. And Friday sy kluar awal pagi utk cash in check. Ohhh.

  6. Wani:
    Ambik je cuti samapi habis tujuh hari tu. Kite belum sah, nnt cuti tu burn gitu je. Sy pon tinggal 5 hari lg. minggu depan amik lg satu hari, raya maybe amik 3 hari.

    Tu la kan. Thank God tomorrow is Wednesday. And Friday sy kluar awal pagi utk cash in check. Ohhh.

  7. hehehe. bolehhhh…. haritu i cakap je kat doktor, yang i sgt stress, bdn x larat… dapat mc sehari….
    doktor siap cakap lg kat i “kerja ape pun, kalau buat melebih-lebih mesti penat”. hahahah

  8. hehehe. bolehhhh…. haritu i cakap je kat doktor, yang i sgt stress, bdn x larat… dapat mc sehari….
    doktor siap cakap lg kat i “kerja ape pun, kalau buat melebih-lebih mesti penat”. hahahah

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