Co-curricular activity was on so I stayed in for some extra hours in school today. During English Language Society, we did this grammar game which requires the students to answer all 20 questions, and really, I found some of the questions are really hard especially when you need to think on your feet. That’s me saying that. Just imagine those questions need to be answered by 9-11 year-olds.
Here goes.
Name two fruits that begin with p – papaya and pineapple (easy peasy!)
Name two vegetables that begin with c – cabbage and chillies (Ok, I only managed to think of chillies but they managed to think of capsicum.)
The opposite of rich – poor, deep – shallow, heavy – light (easyyyyy..)
How many are there in a dozen – twelve ( I had to explain what a dozen is to a pair of 11 year-olds. ‘If you have twelve apples, it means that you have a dozen of apples. So how many apples are there in a dozen?’ *stare right back at you* And only after repeating the same things about five times, that they get the point. My fault? No? Yes?)
What you would buy at a florist’s – flowers (easy……), an ironmonger’s – ……………………………. (OK, to tell you the truth, I waited for the teachers to give the answer, and I tried to avoid students who ask about ironmonger. Logically, it is something like fishmonger, fishmonger sells fish so ironmonger sells things made of iron. But, you know that English is a funny language that one goose, two geese but not one choose, two cheese. And yes, ironmonger is a person who sells things made of iron.)
How many eyes you close when you wink – one. (I needed to wink like 8 times before they get the point that when you wink, only one eye is closed.)
Who would use a briefcase – lawyer, businessman, a whistle – referee, police traffic.
What animal lives in a nest – birds (obviously) a kennel – dog (OK , I did asked Wani what a kennel is. Lupa lah, bukan tak tau.)
Three words that rhyme with buy – my, die, cry
Two things found in the kitchen – fork and spoon (that’s considered one actually, they are cutleries) and plates, bathroom – soap and sponge (but you get sponge in the kitchen as well, don’t you?), bedroom – pillow and, errr, bed.
What would you keep in a wardrobe – clothes, accesorries.
Five things you can drink – water, fruit juice, hot drinks, soda, smoothies ( I took a longer time to think of smoothies. During the session, a pair managed to group mango juice into fruit juice, when all five drinks that I’ve listed were orange, mango, apple, watermelon juices. Haha.)
Five things you can eat – rice, fruits, chicken, meat, vegetables.
Synonym for unhappy – sad, start – begin, depart – leave.
Name four wild animals – tiger, lion, elephant, hippopotomus
Name four insects – butterfly, dragon fly, fly, beetles. (I managed to think of those end with -fly, but they came up with grasshopper and praying mantis and what not.)
Name three things worn by men – pants, tie, shirt, women – dress, skirt, blouse (A boy answered ‘bra’ and I forced him to rub that off and to think of another one. Luckily he came up with ‘scarf’. Naughty!)
Which sport uses a racket – tennis, badminton.
Five verbs that begin with t – think, tear, talk, take, tie (I was stuck at the third one, and I took two of the answers from the discussion)
Five adjectives that begin with s – smelly, short, *thinking* slow, smooth *thinking* stout (maybe ‘single’ should be put on to my list. You know, as in ‘single lady’. Bahaha.)
Not bad, huh? Feel free if you wanna use the same activity in your class. Or maybe for an activity during ELS session.
And today, I punished a boy for punching another boy’s eye. Lucky it wasn’t that bad and timed out was given as well as a total ignorance of his existence at the back of the classroom.
Plus, Blackie, the goldfish at home, died. Out of thirst. Or maybe he felt out of place, because he’s black and the others are gold. Depressed and killed himself by holding his breath until he drowned.
And now, I’m feeling a slight headache, been sneezing non stop and mucus is filling up my nose.
It’s been a long day. Later ya.