Grammar Game, rules! Blackie, died.

Co-curricular activity was on so I stayed in for some extra hours in school today. During English Language Society, we did this grammar game which requires the students to answer all 20 questions, and really, I found some of the questions are really hard especially when you need to think on your feet. That’s me saying that. Just imagine those questions need to be answered by 9-11 year-olds.

Here goes.

Name two fruits that begin with ppapaya and pineapple (easy peasy!)

Name two vegetables that begin with c – cabbage and chillies (Ok, I only managed to think of chillies but they managed to think of capsicum.)

The opposite of rich – poor, deep – shallow, heavy – light (easyyyyy..)

How many are there in a dozen – twelve ( I had to explain what a dozen is to a pair of 11 year-olds. ‘If you have twelve apples, it means that you have a dozen of apples. So how many apples are there in a dozen?’ *stare right back at you* And only after repeating the same things about five times, that they get the point. My fault? No? Yes?)

What you would buy at a florist’s – flowers (easy……), an ironmonger’s……………………………. (OK, to tell you the truth, I waited for the teachers to give the answer, and I tried to avoid students who ask about ironmonger. Logically, it is something like fishmonger, fishmonger sells fish so ironmonger sells things made of iron. But, you know that English is a funny language that one goose, two geese but not one choose, two cheese. And yes, ironmonger is a person who sells things made of iron.)

How many eyes you close when you winkone. (I needed to wink like 8 times before they get the point that when you wink, only one eye is closed.)

Who would use a briefcaselawyer, businessman, a whistlereferee, police traffic.

What animal lives in a nestbirds (obviously) a kennel dog (OK , I did asked Wani what a kennel is. Lupa lah, bukan tak tau.)

Three words that rhyme with buymy, die, cry

Two things found in the kitchenfork and spoon (that’s considered one actually, they are cutleries) and plates, bathroom soap and sponge (but you get sponge in the kitchen as well, don’t you?), bedroompillow and, errr, bed.

What would you keep in a wardrobeclothes, accesorries.

Five things you can drinkwater, fruit juice, hot drinks, soda, smoothies ( I took a longer time to think of smoothies. During the session, a pair managed to group mango juice into fruit juice, when all five drinks that I’ve listed were orange, mango, apple, watermelon juices. Haha.)

Five things you can eat rice, fruits, chicken, meat, vegetables.

Synonym for unhappysad, startbegin, departleave.

Name four wild animalstiger, lion, elephant, hippopotomus

Name four insectsbutterfly, dragon fly, fly, beetles. (I managed to think of those end with -fly, but they came up with grasshopper and praying mantis and what not.)

Name three things worn by menpants, tie, shirt, womendress, skirt, blouse (A boy answered ‘bra’ and I forced him to rub that off and to think of another one. Luckily he came up with ‘scarf’. Naughty!)

Which sport uses a rackettennis, badminton.

Five verbs that begin with tthink, tear, talk, take, tie (I was stuck at the third one, and I took two of the answers from the discussion)

Five adjectives that begin with ssmelly, short, *thinking* slow, smooth *thinking* stout (maybe ‘single’ should be put on to my list. You know, as in ‘single lady’. Bahaha.)

Not bad, huh? Feel free if you wanna use the same activity in your class. Or maybe for an activity during ELS session.

And today, I punished a boy for punching another boy’s eye. Lucky it wasn’t that bad and timed out was given as well as a total ignorance of his existence at the back of the classroom.


Plus, Blackie, the goldfish at home, died. Out of thirst. Or maybe he felt out of place, because he’s black and the others are gold. Depressed and killed himself by holding his breath until he drowned.


And now, I’m feeling a slight headache, been sneezing non stop and mucus is filling up my nose.


It’s been a long day. Later ya.

Euro 2008

Euro 2008 has started yesterday. And all those kaki bola will have something to watch everyday now that at least two matches are played every night. I’m sure everyone has their preferences of who’s going to win. Personally, I don’t know who has the potential to win, but I really favour German and Italy team. Too bad that England did not qualified for this championship. What has happened to the England team, I don’t know. I was disappointed that they are not in. Well, maybe this will give them a chance to train properly for the World Cup qualifying round and really perform in 2010.

I am a football fan and even though England is not playing, I still watch some matches and support any team that has the potential to win that particular match. And tonight, I will probably stay up to watch Germany vs Poland. Go Germ!

Although I may not know some of the players, (e.g. I dont know any of the Czech Republic players but I still support them in yesterday’s match anyway), I have my personal preferences of the teams going to the quarter finals. So here goes my prediction.

Group A: Czech Republic, Switzerland, Portugal, Turkey – Czech Republic and Portugal

Group B: Germany, Poland, Austria, Croatia – Germany and Crotia

Group C: Italy, Holland, Romania, France – Italy and France

Group D: Greece, Sweden, Spain, Russia – Greece and Spain

*Predictions made are based on instinct. Haha. I’ve told you I don’t know the players except for some.

So, will Greece retain its title, or will Italy win it just like they won the World Cup two years back, or will either Switzerland or Austria make their people proud and win since they are the host? We’ll see.

Good luck to all the teams!

Saya bakal guru yang garang.

Amaran: Macam panjang je entri ni.

Ok, seminggu lepas saya menjawat jawatan ini. Pengasuh. Bahasa Inggerisnya babysitter. Pengasuh kepada tiga kanak-kanak yang berumur 11 tahun, 10 tahun dan 7 tahun. Mereka ni comel dan kelakar tapi selalunya kecomelan mereka ni ditutup oleh kenakalan mereka yang teramat sangat. Kecuali yang si kecik sekali tu. Pandai menutup kenakalan sendiri menggunakan kenaifan dan keinesenan nya. Oh, saya bagi namalah, senang nak cerita nanti. Yang 11 tahun tu Si Gadish, yang 10 tahun tu Si Badut dan yang 7 tahun tu Si Kecik. Si Badut dan Si Kecik ni laki-laki dan yang Si Gadish ni, hurm, gadis lah, habis tu takkan la laki-laki jugak dah bagi nama gadis kan. Haha.

Ok, jadiknya, dalam seminggu ni ada lah dengar suara gelak ketawa, suara menangis, nama panggilan diberikan kepada satu sama lain, ada dengar bunyik tepuk tampar, ada suara gaduh gaduh, ada suara ugutan, ugutan lagi, ugutan lagi dan juga suara saya dan kakak saya memberikan peringatan dengan serius kepada mereka. Walaupun mereka ni dikira sepupu yang agak rapat, tapi tahu lah kan, bila mak bapaknya takda, lain perangainya. Ade jugak terasa hint-hint yang mereka ni kalau dibiarkan akan terpijaklah kepala-kepala pengasuh ini. Antara tiga ni, selalunya akan ada sorang atau dua lah yang buat perangai. mesti ada. Jarang takde. Kalau takde tu pelik sudah umpama harga minyak yang akan turun. Paham ke? Senang cerita, kalau tak gaduh berperang mulut tu macam harga minyak nak turun.

Selama ni, saya bertahan je dengan mereka ni, pekakkan telinga je. Bila kadang-kadang melawan guna mulut tu, saya balas balik. Biar terdiam. Selalunya saya ugut je. Ugut nak hantar email kat bapak diorang. Berjaya. Tapi hari ini, super duper nakal nampaknya ketiga-tiga. Menguji kesabaran. Pagi-pagi dah gaduh. Siap panggil yang lagi satu babi, sial segala bagai. Oh, tak tahan. Naik suara sikit. ‘Heh! Elok sangat ke panggil orang macam tu’. Tapi masih sambung gaduh. Oh tak makan saman. Tambah lagi. ‘Ok. Kak Lin suruh Kak Long telepon **** *** cancel tiket wayang. Duduk rumah.’ Oh diam semua. Elok lepas tiga minit ketawa sama-sama. Saya pon sambung mengemas rumah. Ya Rabbi, bersepah macam tongkang pecah. Takpelah, sabar. Sapu sampah. Sapu punya sapu jumpa apa? Jumpa kuku. ‘Oi! Sapa potong kuku dalam rumah ni?’ Si Kecik ni menjawab. ‘Kak Lin la, tadi Kak Lin potong kuku.’ Ah, cis, kantoi. Ye tadi saya pon potong kuku. Hari Jumaat kan, tapi saya dah buang. Cepat-cepat cover line. ‘Tapi Kak Lin dah buang.‘ Memang saya dah buang. Lagipon saya potong kuku kat tempat lain. Saya sambung menyapu. Walaupun dalam hati dah menyumpah sebab saya rasa saya tau sapa buat tapi tanak mengaku je.

Dalam kereta gaduh lagi. Mulanya Si Gadish ni bergurau dengan Si Kecik. Saya tengah bercakap dengan bapak mereka dekat telepon. Kemudian saya bagi mereka telepon. Si Badut cakap dulu. Si Gadish gurau-gurau lagi dengan Si Kecik. Kemudian gaduh Si Kecik nangis. Dah gaduh lah tu. Saya dah mula geram. Si Kecik cakap pulak dengan bapaknye kat telepon. Si Gadish dengan Si Badut pulak gaduh. Keluar sial dari mulut mereka berdua. Saya geram. Saya pantang. Saya pusing belakang saya cakap dengan muka garang ‘Eh, ingat Baba tak dengar ke korang guna perkataan macam tu. Baba boleh dengar. Tak payah Kak Lin bagitau pon Baba dah tau.‘ Si Gadish terdiam. Saya tenung sikit. Jeling. Pandang depan semula. Takde gaduh sepanjang perjalanan. Tapi saya masih geram. Saya bertambah geram lagi sebab dengan saya dan kakak saya, lain cakapnya. Bila dengan mak bapak nya, lain cerita yang keluar dari mulut mereka. Kena paksalah ape lah. Tak nak tapi kena ikut jugak lah. Ape lah itulah inilah. Hish. Geram. Geram amat.

Sampai rumah, geram saya masih bersisa. Si Badut ni mengada-ngada pulak tak nak disuapkan nasi. Nak makan sendiri. Tapi nak cepat-cepat makan nak ke semejid. Sekali lagi saya bertegas. ‘Makan je bibik suapkan tu. Kata nak pegi masjid. Ok tanak makan tak payah pegi tengok wayang.’ Diam lagi. Kedengaran Si Badut berkata, ‘Bik, cepatlah suap.’ Oh tau takut. Geram lagi. Muka ketat sepanjang-panjang. Mujur ada Si Tukang Refill Kulness. Dia pon hangin jugak. Hangin sebab lain. Tapi masih bertahan refillkan kulness saya. Saya masih bermuka ketat, tapi bersembang dengan Si Tukang Refill Kulness diselangi haha. Oh mungkin sebab EQ tinggi. Takpe, tu cerita lain.

Kemudian, kami pergi tengok wayang. Kung Fu Panda. Telakar. Sebelum muvi start ade iklan Nike. Handal iklannya. Ok tapi itu bukan isunya. Yang jadik isu ialah sapa nak duduk sebelah sapa. Bingit Si Kiki Swift Cikgu Saghah tu. Saya bagi cadangan. Merungut sudah mereka. makin bingit. Saya pon mula lah. Mula nak rasa geram. Saya ugut. ‘Ok, tak nak ikut cakap kita patah balik.’ Wow, senyap. Senang hidup. Saya nampak sudah saya cikgu yang garang. Dekat One Utama tu nasib baiklah tak nakal sangat. Main-main dekat escalator tu saya dah butakan mata. Lantak korang lah. Kalau orang tengok nakal-nakal korang tu, orang akan cakap, ‘Sape/Mane mak bapak dia ni? Biar anak main-main gini.’ Saya pengasuh je. Saya tak bersalah. Haha.

Saya rasa saya dah cukup garang dengan mereka. Saya tanya Si Kecik tadi, sanggup ke duduk dengan saya yang garang ni. Si Kecik kata saya ni tak garang pon. Haa?!? ‘Kak Lin tak garang ke?’ Inesennye dia menjawab, ‘Tak.‘ Adus. Saya macam ni pon dia kata tak garang. Alahai. Nak tunggu saya naik suara ke? Atau pegang rotan? Hurm anak orang tu. Kalau anak sendiri lain cerita. Memang belasah dah. Nasiblah mak saya, adek saya, mak bapak diorang, atuk, nenek, Mak Ngah, Pak Ngah balik umrah Rabu ni. Kejap je lagi nak bertahan. Lima hari je. Tak lama tu. Kejap ke? Ish. Lama tu. Lama. Huks. Bertahanlah. Ummpphh!

A nanny who needs idea.

I am currently a full-time nanny with Cikgu Saghah while Jaja is doing it part-time. This current position will last for about two weeks. So, I’ll be spending my three weeks holiday here in KL. We are looking after our three cousins whose parents are performing Umrah with Mama, Arep, Atok, Nenek, Pak Ngah and Mak Ngah. I am fully responsible of Adam, the youngest one of the three siblings. It seems that Adam has to swallow the fact that I am his guardian although he wishes that he gets somebody else to be his guardian. The reason for not wanting me is this:

Pak Cu: Adam, Adam nak tido dengan Kak Long ke, Kak Jaja ke or Kak Alin?

Adam: Kak Jaja.

Pak Cu: Kenapa tak nak Kak Alin? Tido dengan Kak Alin mesti best. Macam pillow.

Adam: Nanti kalau Kak Alin himpit Adam waktu tido, macam mana Adam nak breathe.

Right. Whatever. Aku debab. Yeah, whatever. You can say whatever you want, and still look cute. Haha.

Anyway, can someone suggest some ideas on topics for me to blog? It seems that I can’t find anything interesting to be written about or reflected on.

That’s it.

As for today, there will be no more examinations regarding modules learned in this course. No more. That’s it. Nada. Zero. After five years of hard work, it sort of ends today. There is, actually, one more semester to go, but it consists of no exam and just practicum. The feeling of having no exam or assignments is indescribable. I can say that I am glad it’s over and I think everyone feels the same way too. Sometimes, I think about the things (assignment or revision for the exam) that I need to do tomorrow and I soon realise that there’s nothing. There is this feeling of emptiness, of having nothing to do. It seems that I am used to having such a workload that when I have nothing to do, I feel rather lost. Weird, huh. When it’s there, you can’t wait to get it over and done with, but when it’s gone, you kind of miss it. So that’s it. I am now moving into the real world of teaching at the end of June. Yes, the practicum session is coming soon enough and I have been placed in a school in Taman Tun Dr. Ismail, KL. Seems challenging enough, but I’m looking forward for it.

Anyway, I had a really wonderful day today. Great food, great massaging session, great movie, and of course, a really great company. Thank you.