ayah.. mama..
i miss you.
*teary eyes*
ayah.. mama..
i miss you.
*teary eyes*
the cleaner has just made my day..
she has just told me how pretty my headscarf is as i was wearing one..
and how beautiful the ladies look when they have the headcovers on..
hee hee..
Islam is beautiful..
the Muslims pn jd beatiful klu ikut btol2..
sape setuju?
sile angkat tangan ye..
cik ina of gerik has been kind enough to put an entry about me in her fotopages..
wasn’t really about me..
more on my collection of snowglobes and my room..
click here to check it out..
to cik ina of gerik,
terima kasih di atas kesungguhan anda utk mengambil gambar snowglobes dan juga bilik sye.. kesungguhan anda itu telah memaksa sye utk mengemas katil..
mimi kate puan arniza kate 2 minggu lepas exam..
last day of winter term falls on the 14th of dec..
that means 28th of dec ke?
ye la kot..
klu ikut maths pn..
2 minggu = 14 hari
14 + 14 = 28
ade lg 8 bulan lebey..
tolak 2 bulan kat umah..
tinggal 6 bulan..
6 bulan je??!!
6 bulan je lg leh duduk kat room A house 20 nih??!!
6 bulan je lg internet free 24 jam??!!
kene make full use of the time nih…